Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Galavant and Reconciliation

photo from IMDB

Galavant was interesting. I had been excited for this because I really enjoy the work of Zachery Levi, who is a known Christian but also starred as the lead role in “Chuck” on NBC. It started out rather melancholy compared with my expectations. A lot of the jokes were sexual in nature and I don’t appreciate that, but some of it was funny and the story was interesting. It has a cheesy charm to it.

Galavant was a hero who lost his muster when his girlfriend was kidnapped to marry a king. He went to rescue here and she basically chose to stay with the king for the fame and money. He then went through a time of drunkenness to deal with this pain. The king then conquered another kingdom and the princess of that kingdom comes to get Galavant to come help with a claim that this ex-girlfriend was wanting him to come for her, thus getting our hero to jump back in to heroism.

Now, there were a lot of twists and turns over the 4 episodes of “season 1” (which was supposed to be a minie-series; so a “season” is a little odd). I won’t go into all of them, but one peaked my interest.

Eventually the wife of this king betrays him. In her betrayal, Galavant and the King start to become friends, even drinking together. This reminded me of a verse from Psalm 23:

     “You lay a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

This verse speaks to the peace we find in God, yet I have, a few times, wondered if this was pointing to something greater than that: a reconciliation.

God is all about reconciliation. He even went so far as to let his one and only Son, Jesus the Christ, die on a cross to bring reconciliation between God and man. He wants this to come to all of us. Jesus himself, while teaching on prayer, told us we will be forgiven as we forgive others.

I won't fool you, reconciliation is a hard thing. I am no expert in it and I am not always so good at it, but Jesus is good at it and He would love to help you with it.

Overall, I found Galavant to be entertaining. If you like musicals, it is worth watching and there are some interesting plot twists in it. It is a story of restoration and I think it does have some interesting lessons to be learned.

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