Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Read Acts

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted.  I keep meaning to post weekly here, but that doesn't always happen.

The last few weeks I've been reading through Acts.  This is part of an initiative of my church to encourage us to be in the Word daily.  We are reading one chapter a day, every day. 

Paul gets warned that he will be in danger if he goes on to Jerusalem.  He goes anyway.  Stephen and James refused to deny Christ,at the price of their lives!  In the end, 11 disciples  gave their lives and John was banished because of their faith in Christ.  Then you add in all the others who did things to help.  Lowering Paul out a window.  Sending Paul off and staying in a dangerous city.

Then you have the miracles God did through and with the followers.  Philip seems to have been instantly teleported somewhere at least once.  Peter and John healing the lame man.  Even Paul was so gifted that people would touch handkerchiefs and other objects of his and be healed!  Peter was so filled with the Holy Spirit that his shadow would heal people.  Then you have the angel walking Peter out of jail with the guards right there and not knowing it was happening!

There is so much of what God does that we have not even looked for.  Certainly we must be wise in how we do it.  But as nerds/geeks we often talk about powers and amazing events, but are we really asking God for them? 

Have you read Acts lately?  Give it a try and then start praying and looking for opportunities to lovingly and gently share Christ.

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